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The Full Story

The problem

The physical barriers and obsolescence of the traditional simultaneous translation methods raise the cost of events and prevent scalability. 

Physical barriers: Need of on-site interpreters, unbalanced supply and demand. High fixed costs and complex logistics: Cabins,Handsets,Local installation, additional sound staff. Inconvenience: Lengthy lines for equipment pick-up which could be replaced by the use of a phone


The Solution

The marketplace that connects people all around the world to provide simultaneous translations and build the AI interpretation  based on speaker/interpreter accurance. 


Absence of physical barriers:

Remote translation through the app, Income differentiation based on professional level, Limitlessness of language and schedule


Reduces 50% of costs and simplifies logistics: 

Eliminates costs with cabins, local installations, handsets, and additional audio crew.


The marketplace that connects people all around the world to provide simultaneous translations and build the AI interpretation  based on speaker/interpreter accurance.

Captura de Tela 2023-04-18 às 20_edited.
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